Thursday, July 01, 2004

Awakened from my slumber...

ahh...this morning, at the bright and early time of 9:30 (ok, so it's not that early, but for me, who was planning on sleeping till noon, it was a bit early) I got a call on my cell phone that woke me up very abruptly..I didn't realize that my volume was THAT loud...I guess the fact that it was right by my head didn't help much... anyway... It wasn't anyone fun, it was Amy from work---love not so much...--and she needed me to come in for her. Bummer. But hey, it's money...

So there are lots of things going on right now, and I'm good, handling it all well and all, but it still is kinda stressful. And at this point of time, there is no need for me to go into details, just know that there is a lot that needs if anyone wants to pray for just all the stuff that is going on...I would appreciate it very much!!

I don't always understand how good can come from some of the stuff that happens, but my understanding is not essential, God has got it all under control, and all I have to do is trust Him, and that I do!!