Monday, August 24, 2009

help me! because everything is still in boxes...

Remember that time, a couple months ago, that I was talking about redecorating my office? That goal has basically been on the back-burner since May. I knew it would be. Summertime is crazy in my line of work. It was completely expected. But now it is fall, and sure, life hasn't slowed down any. at. all. But still... I at least want to get my books out of the boxes!

Let me take a moment to update you on the progress.

My office walls used to be dark blueish gray, and now they are white. Check.

I found some awesome vintage chairs to use as additional seating. Check.

My desk was way too big for the small space it was in, so I made the trip to Ikea in Atlanta, and brought back the desk and chair I wanted. Check. 

Here comes the part where I need your help.

I need some shelves. And I think I want them to look like the shelves in the picture below.  White. Simple. And covering the wall behind my desk. (It's a small wall.) 

Here is my question. Does anyone know where I can find some shelves like these that meet the following criteria:

1) They don't cost a fortune, and
2) They don't come from Ikea. (I don't want to drive 4 hours or pay twice the amount to ship them.)

Any suggestions?!


Jessica said...

hmmm...that's a tough one. i'll be thinking. maybe target?

Sunny said...

I bet that someone could make those for you! You should ask around to some of those dads!

jenna said...

I have a lead! Maybe this person will be able to help me out! If so, I will be sure to keep my readers updated! And when this thing is FINALLY finished, I will do a before and after post!

Annie said...

I am of no help here, but I do have a question. Where'd you find this picture? I love this room! (And I'm ready to see yours!)

jenna said...

Oops! I always forget to put where I find my pictures! Down & Out Chic is the blog from which I found it. Here is the link: