First of all:

Pilates are a lot harder than you'd think!
I guess it didn't help that I,
a beginner,
was in an intermediate class this morning.
Oh well.
I may be a little tired today,
but I met some sweet ladies in the class,
so I plan to go back on Thursday!
On another, more important note:
The girls of my SH Girls Bible Study and I are going through Beth Moore's book, Praying God's Word, this semester. We talked about chapter two last night, "Overcoming Unbelief".
I can't begin to tell you just how encouraged I was by the Scriptures we looked at.
Recently I've been having some doubts. Maybe doubt isn't the right word.... I guess my heart/faith has been a little moody... a little discouraged...
I don't doubt that God exists. I most definitely believe in our Father.
But I've been frustrated...
Maybe it's because I don't understand Him sometimes...
Maybe it's because I've been disappointed...
It seems to be a lot of things.
I think my faith is being tested.
And I don't like it.
I have not enjoyed these feelings...
My fear of disappointment,
lack of excitement,
and lack of trust in God.
But then we talked about Overcoming Unbelief...
And my eyes were opened to see a more complete picture of what is going on here.
It is okay that I have questions.
It is okay that I have been feeling a little weak.
Faith is not believing in my own unshakable belief. Faith is believing an unshakable God when everything in me trembles and quakes. (from the book)
And I believe in this unshakable God.
Even when the legs I stand with feel a little wobbly.
Father, You have told me that the testing of my faith develops perseverance. (James 1:3) Please help me to not refuse to be faithful in tests granted for my gain.
My wise and trustworthy God, according to Your Word, trials come to me so that my faith-- of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire-- may be proved genuine.. (1Peter 1:7)
God really is good.
And I am thankful that He reminded me of that.